- Analyse, monitor and optimise materials, plant and services in construction contracting operations management
- Control contract work in construction contracting operations management
- Develop and agree detailed project designs in construction contracting operations management
- Establish the condition of property in construction contracting operations management
- Evaluate enquiries and submit tenders in construction contracting operations management
- Evaluate work methods and programme in construction contracting operations management
- Identify, assess and evaluate project requirements in construction contracting operations management
- Implement strategic and integrated supply chain management and sourcing partnerships in construction contracting operations management
- Obtain tenders and appoint successful contractors in construction contracting operations management
- Optimise and control contract progress and costs in construction contracting operations management
- Plan measured surveys in construction contracting operations management
- Prepare and agree contract accounts and entitlement in construction contracting operations management
- Prepare procurement schedules and programmes of works in construction contracting operations management
- Specify and control production documents in construction contracting operations management